Make Your Own Artifacts from the Future

Here's a site that allows you to make your own newspaper headlines, appearing to be straight out of a real dead-tree edition. (In my case, the New Youngston Gazette. What? You thought it was something else?)
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Here's a site that allows you to make your own newspaper headlines, appearing to be straight out of a real dead-tree edition. (In my case, the New Youngston Gazette. What? You thought it was something else?)
Haha, nice find. Are you subscribed to blogs that focus on generators?
I also like that you can comprehend the idea of godlike AI existing but not throwing everything out of control, in a chaotic, willy-nilly overaccelerated fashion. Many people can't!
Anyway, looks very genuine... I'm sure you could fool some poor old guy if you needed to, by printing this out on blank newspaper pages.
Singularity 2016, baby! (Though perhaps 2020-2030 is more realistic... the Speculist has a good roundup on date estimates.)
Posted by: Michael Anissimov | January 2, 2007 9:03 PM
I just keep an eye out for such things. This one isn't too bad. The font's not quite right, but it's a good approximation of a typical paper, and perfect for making artifacts for foresight consulting engagements.
I chose 2016 to be a bit provocative with it, and I just liked the idea of people living in a world that *we* would clearly describe as post-Singularity remaining worried about the implications of a Singularity they feel is still on the horizon.
The Future is always much more prosaic by the time it becomes the Present-Day.
Posted by: Jamais Cascio | January 2, 2007 9:15 PM
Posted by: Marc_Geddes | January 4, 2007 11:04 PM
I prefer Future Feed Forward:
"Japanese Royal Family Escapes from Habitat, Search Continues"
Wal-Mart Opens First 'All You Can Live' Township
Posted by: Sebastien Bailard | January 11, 2007 12:28 AM