In London, not finding much time for writing.
The Big Picture series will resume when I get back stateside.
Some quick links: is with "used futures" that we dress the indigent beneficiaries of these sports companies' generosity. They are literally clothed in possibilities, however trivial, discarded by the wealthy West.And so, in the wake of the recent Super Bowl result, we now have the following vivid, curious image; poor children in Third World countries running around clad in counterfactual souvenir apparel.
If lies and secrets abound in the “real” world, online they positively flourish. Bell says lies about location, context, intent and identity (physical appearance, aspirations, demography, status and standing) are all possible, sometimes even required, in the context of our digital lives. [...] The question is: are information/communication technologies (and related applications and services) succeeding in part because they facilitate our lying ways? Or are our lies and secrets are necessary to keep us ‘safe’?
The team of scientists created 25 ZIF ["zeolitic imidazolate frameworks"] crystal structures in a laboratory, three of which showed a particular affinity for capturing carbon dioxide. The highly porous crystals also had what the researchers called "extraordinary capacity for storing CO2": one litre of the crystals could store about 83 litres of CO2.

They made a recording, but no word yet on where or when it will be found.
(Photo: "Jamais Cascio pulls a 1984" by Jerry Paffendorf)
Hey, Jamais - if you're still in London on Saturday and at a loose end, drop by the to the Picocon sf convention at Imperial College, South Kensington! If the fact that I'll be there isn't enough of a draw (ahem), a certain Mr Doctorow is guest of honour ... it'd be cool to see you if you're about. If not, enjoy the rest of your adventures! :)
Posted by: Paul Raven | February 19, 2008 1:20 AM