Global Catastrophic Risks - Now With More Doom!

Here's the speaker list, as of late October:
- Anders Sandberg PhD, Oxford University
“Global Catastrophic Risks: An Overview, and Caution about Risk Assessments” - Eliezer Yudkowsky, Research Associate. Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
“Cognitive Biases in the Assessment of Risk” - Feng Hsu PhD, Head, Integrated Risk Management, NASA
“Critical Issues of Global Catastrophic Risks - a Worst Case Scenario Assessment” - William Potter PhD, Director, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
“Reducing the Risks of Nuclear Proliferation” - Martin Hellman PhD, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
“Risk Analysis of Nuclear Deterrence” - Bruce Damer, CEO of The Digital Space Commons, director of Contact Consortium
“The Risks of Asteroid Impacts” - Mike Treder, Executive Director, Center for Responsible Nanotechnology
“Nanotechnology’s Global Risk and Promises of Resilience” - Kattesh V. Katti PhD, Director, Cancer Nanotechnology Platform, Professor of Radiology, University of Missouri
“Green Nanotechnology: An Economic And Scientific Initiative For the Future Of Human Civilization” - Alan Goldstein PhD, CEO of Industrial Nanobiotechnology
“The A-Prize: Tracking The Global Race To Break The Carbon Barrier” - J. Storrs Hall PhD, author Beyond AI
“The Weather Machine: Nano-enabled Climate Control for the Earth” - George Dvorsky, Director, IEET
“Risks Posed by Political Extremism” - Jamais Cascio, IEET Fellow, and research affiliate, Institute for the Future
“Building Civilizational Resilience” (hey, that's me!) - James J. Hughes PhD, Exec. Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
“Strengthening Transnational Governance to Mitigate Risks”
$100 if you buy your ticket now, $150 after November 1.
What's missing? I'm surprised that there isn't something explicitly bio-related on the list, either pandemic disease or engineered bioweaponry. I'd also like to see something about cross-issue reinforcement (i.e., how sub-catastrophic problems can mutually boost each others' awfulness), but that might come up in discussion.
Nothing about robots stealing our medicine, either. Maybe next time -- if there IS a next time!