Hacking the Earth -- Now at Amazon, and on Kindle!
My publish-on-demand book on geoengineering, Hacking the Earth, has been picked up on Amazon.com. This is happy-making for a couple of reasons. The first is that this means people who have heard about the book and go looking for it on the world's biggest online bookseller (what a crazy idea) now will find it. The second is that it means that I could do a Kindle version quite easily. So here you go:
Hacking the Earth in print at Amazon.
Hacking the Earth for the Kindle.
Note that the Amazon print price is a bit higher than the Lulu direct price. However, Amazon shipping is cheaper, so it more-or-less balances out.
Which Lulu publishing package did you use ? Did you use any pre-publishing services for formatting or editing that you would recommend?
What was your approach to charts, graphics and pictures within the book to avoid copyright issues ?
Posted by: Brian Wang | May 29, 2009 4:10 PM
Thanks for pointing that out - I just bought it for the Kindle...
Posted by: Jürgen Hubert | May 29, 2009 9:18 PM
I just did the basic package.
I use iWork Pages (Mac-only) to do the layout, then "printed" to a Postscript file to make sure that the final result was identical to my design.
The only charts/graphics in the book were of my own creation.
Posted by: Jamais Cascio
May 30, 2009 7:50 AM
Hi Jamais,
I'm using a Mac and Pages for my upcoming book. Could you give a little bit more info about your book, such as what size is it? How many pages? What issues did you have printing with Lulu.com? I have my book at 6x9 and they are "changing the format" of my book. Any thoughts?
Posted by: Kevin Cullis | December 5, 2009 11:25 AM