Heckling the Earth

So my keynote at Futuresonic 2009 went reasonably well, with two big caveats: my voice is still weak from the cold I've been fighting, so my infamously Vader-esque presentation baritone wasn't on display; and I had a heckler.
A drunken, global warming-denying, belligerent heckler.
Here's an audio clip that gives a little flavor of the evening:
I look forward to seeing what the video recording of the event shows...
Sorry it happened, but when you have a heckler, you know you've arrived.
Posted by: RJ | May 14, 2009 11:27 AM
Those denialists make the effort to drag themselves out of their lazyboy chairs into the real world and actually do stuff and talk?
Cant be more than what, a few dozen of those? ... or is this in any way organized...? Shouldn't we send the police after global warming deniers? Sounds like a small but dangerous minority. These people should be kept under surveillance.
Posted by: dagonweb | May 16, 2009 1:57 AM
Wow you got a heckler! Great!
At least someone was paying attention. A heckler at a keynote is a sure sign of a great presentation. Some guys would kill for a heckle like that.
So how about posting the slides man? We all want to see what the big fuss was about!
Posted by: Noah | May 18, 2009 12:10 PM