Mobile Monday

The presentation went well. There should be a couple of videos available shortly -- the official one, and one recorded by Howard Rheingold.
Here are the slides for my talk. This is the raw Slideshare version, with a few minor flaws; I'll have to tweak the Keynote document to make a smoother conversion.
Mobile Intelligence
View more presentations from Jamais Cascio.
A few other shots of my talk:
(Update: moved to the extended entry)
Do you ever do these presentations at large multinational corporations say invovled in mobile tech development?
are you in toronto anytime soon?
Posted by: Brock | June 2, 2009 9:14 AM
Posted by: Jamais Cascio
June 2, 2009 1:42 PM
Hi Jamais- looking forward to your opening address that will be setting the scene for CONVERGENCE and EMERGENCE- the theme of AMPLIFY09 at AMP in Sydney next week! Can't think of anyone else as capable as you in both breadth and depth of perspective- we are truly honoured.
Posted by: annalie Killian | June 20, 2009 4:10 AM
I loved the talk. I enjoyed the discussion of AR within the context of the whole world. I'm in the final editing stages of a sci-fi novel dealing with the convergance of climate change and augmented reality. It's a topic I've thought alot about and its nice to see other views. I also run an AR blog, though mostly it deals with the nuts-and-bolts of the technology and not the broader issue. Again, thanks for the great talk, it sparked some ideas for book two and three of the trilogy.
Posted by: Thomas K Carpenter | June 26, 2009 10:54 AM