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Writing the Future

On December 2, I will be speaking at the 2012 humanity+ conference in San Francisco.

Given my frequent dubious reactions to transhumanism as a broad concept (remember, humanity+ is the reimagined World Transhumanist Association), you might wonder why I'm speaking at this event.

The answer is in the title of this post -- and the theme of this conference. "Writing the Future" is at the core of what I do, of who I am, and I've long believed in the importance of crafting novel, provocative, and useful articulations of what our futures could hold. This conference will allow me to stand up and speak specifically on this topic, to an audience that will be able to appreciate what I have to say. The other speakers will be covering a fairly broad array of interpretations of the idea of "writing the future," and I can say from experience that many of them are very good presenters, and well worth your time to listen to.

I hope that folks in the SF area can check out the conference; it's not free, but the tickets are reasonable for this sort of thing, and the student rate (before Nov 11) is quite good.

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