10 result(s) displayed (1 - 10 of 10):
Flooded London: Media designers Squint/Opera have come up with a project they call "Flooded London: 2090," a set of illustrations of London in a late global warming world. As a piece of anticipatory illustration, it's startlingly idyllic -- pictures...
In London, not finding much time for writing. The Big Picture series will resume when I get back stateside. Some quick links: Of used futures and counterfactual clothing -- Stuart Candy, The Skeptical Futuryst ...it is with "used futures" that...
Sorry about the silence this week; I've been prepping for back-to-back green talks this week. Tomorrow, I'm giving the keynote for the Behavior, Energy and Climate Change conference in Sacramento, in front of a large crowd of policy-makers, academics and...
Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon is available, in its entirety, online, at both the Internet Archive and Google Video. As either MPEG or Flash video, of course, so it's not as good as a DVD version, but still. This is one...
(click for larger version, of course)...
The "Footprint of a Cheeseburger" post continues to reverberate around the web, and not just in the so-called "Green Blogosphere." I have an interview about the story coming up that might make it to national radio. The Cheeseburger Footprint popped...
BY CLICKING "I AGREE" YOU ACCEPT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE. I will not use this product (STUFFSTATION DELUXE) to build, repair, or in any way constitute weapons of mass destruction; I will not use this product (STUFFSTATION DELUXE) to...
If scenario creation was the poster-boy for futurism in the mid-1990s, artifact creation looks to play that role for mid-2000s futurism. Combining strategic foresight with what amounts to concept-car design, efforts such as the Institute for the Future's "Artifacts from...
• Turning Greenhouse Gases into Greenhouse Glass: One of my mantras when I was writing at WorldChanging was that "we can't assume that all the tools we'll have for fighting global problems have already been invented." Today brings another example...
David Brin keeps a running tab of the "predictions" he got right in his 1991 novel Earth. He didn't write the book as a piece of forecasting, but has managed to get a variety of things right about how the...
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