9 result(s) displayed (1 - 9 of 9):
Because "Bottomsight" just sounds too naughty. Hot Cyborg Action: Industrial designer Hans Alexander Huseklepp wondered what would happen if you took the modern design aesthetic seen in simple prosthetics like eyeglasses, and applied it to more sophisticated prosthetics, like...
The Singularity concept remains inescapable these days, although rarely well-understood. Both are unfortunate developments, for essentially the same reason: the popularity of the term "Singularity" has undermined its narrative value. Its use in a discussion is almost guaranteed to become...
A few people have asked me what I thought of Karl Schroeder's recent article at Worldchanging, "No Time for the Singularity." Karl argues that we can't count on super-intelligent AIs to save us from environmental disaster, since by the time...
Cameron Reilly, voice of "G'Day World," on Australia's Podcast Network, listened to "The Chorus" -- the scenario I had constructed for the Futurist's Sandbox panel at SXSW -- and was thoroughly disturbed by the story it told. Disturbed enough, it...
Just a few updates for those of you who like to hear these things: My talk at the Metaverse Meetup the other night went splendidly, and the video should be available real soon now. For those of you who can't...
The night before the Singularity Summit, a team from the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence sat me down and interviewed me, asking my thoughts on AI and what was to come. That interview is now available at the SIAI...
Anyone who wants to hear the presentation, here you go: MP3 of my talk (~30 minutes) Let me know what you think. BTW, the first third or so just covers the metaverse roadmap; the real fun part starts when I...
(Or "I, for one, welcome our new cyber-mouse overlords!") Ahoy, BoingBoing readers! I was going to update this anyway, but with the BB link, it's extra-important: this is a simulation of a cortical network with the size, link complexity and...
The "Good Ancestor Principle" is based on a challenge posed by Jonas Salk: ...the most important question we must ask ourselves is, “Are we being good ancestors?” Given the rapidly changing discoveries and conditions of the times, this opens up...
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