5 result(s) displayed (1 - 5 of 5):
Here's the video of the second talk I gave at the Global Catastrophic Risks event last November. It's only 15 minutes long -- they just wanted a quick discussion of the day -- but I think it actually turned out...
The talk I gave at the Global Catastrophic Risks conference a while back is now up and online, so here's the link. It runs a bit less than 20 minutes, and they did a good job of embedding slide images...
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. ...In case anyone is curious, here are the slides I used at the Global Catastrophic Risks conference in Mountain View, California, last month. Enjoy. I don't tend to use many slides with text,...
The program for the Global Catastrophic Risks event, November 14 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, has been doubled: Now you have 13 people (now only almost all middle-aged white guys) eager to describe in great...
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