
Entries tagged with: US Politics

17 result(s) displayed (1 - 17 of 17):

Overton, Warren, and Re-Making the Middle

Why Obama's selection of Rick Warren to give an opening prayer at the inauguration is a lesson for environmental activists -- and poses a troubling question about the future. If you follow political news in the US, you're probably aware...

The Participatory Decepticon

What happens when not only have the tools of documenting the world become democratized, so too have the tools for manipulating our interpretations of reality? The rise of technologies of ubiquitous personal observation -- what I've termed the "participatory panopticon"...

A Day to Savor

Doesn't matter whether you were for him or for someone else, today is truly an inflection point in history. It's the delivery of a promise made in the years long past and sometimes thought abandoned. It's a sign that...

Read These:

After empire, then what? -- Mike Treder looks at what happens when empires fall. International peace, security, and stable all are strengthened by economic ties; financial integration and interdependence tend to promote harmony and tolerance. But if we experience a...

Overton Window

The Overton Window is a memetic engineering concept in use among political wonks, but with broader applicability. Wikipedia describes it thusly: It describes a "window" in the range of public reactions to ideas in public discourse, in a spectrum of...

Technology as Political Catalyst

It's become almost a cliché to observe that the Internet is changing the face of electoral politics at the national scale. The use of the web for fundraising (and to observe fundraising) is an obvious example, but for me a...

The Lost Hegemon (pt 1)

Rolling Stone assembled a round-table discussion with Richard Clarke, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bob Graham, Juan Cole and others (from the military, diplomatic and intelligence services) about three scenarios for the end of the US involvement in the Iraq conflict (note I...

Monday Topsight, March 5, 2007

• Pope-Emperor Declares Victory to Washington Officialdom: Mr. Sterling gets a Washington Post opinion page platform! It's the Net vs. the 20th-century fossil order in a fight that the cybergreens are winning. Why? Because they're not about spiritual potential, human...

December Futurismic Column Now Up

This month's Futurismic column is now up (my fault that it's late). It's an update on what's happening with the participatory panopticon. This time, I look at what Michael Richards, UCLA cops, and George "Macaca" Allen have in common, and...

Okay, I Was Wrong

In my interview for Suzanne Stefanac's excellent guide to blogging, Dispatches from Blogistan, I make the following assertion: Hint to writers encountering blog backlash for the first time: the three most powerful words in the English language in this kind...

The Right Was Right

Now we can admit it. Our new 25-point agenda. My favorites: 3. Introduce the new Destruction of Marriage Act 13. Freeways to be removed, replaced with light rail systems 23. Ban Christmas: replace with Celebrate our Monkey Ancestors Day...

Obligatory Voting Post

It appears to be a requirement for bloggers who are citizens of the US to report on their voting activities on election day. My voting activity consisted of adding a trip to the voting station to my morning walk, where...

Does Your Vote Count?

When American voters go to the polls next Tuesday, nearly 40% will encounter a so-called Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machine, usually referred to as a touch-screen voting machine, and another 40% will encounter optical scan voting machines. The security...

A Post-Hegemonic Future

Here's a question to muse about while awaiting the results of Tuesday's election in the US: what happens after the United States is no longer the dominant global power? This is a question that doesn't get asked often. Public figures...

Radical Religion

It's the number one religion (by proportion of adherents) in the states of Washington and Idaho; it's the number two religion in California, Utah, Massachusetts and Arkansas. In most states, in fact, it ranks as the #2 or #3 belief,...

Real Journalism

The job of a journalist is to report on facts, even if that makes someone in power look bad or undermines someone's dearly held myth. It's nice to see at least one journal that gets it: As politics go, we're...

Climate, Cancer and Changing Minds

Can smoking cause lung cancer? Yes. Is any given case of lung cancer caused by smoking? No way to know. The complexity of cause-and-effect is such that, while we can be certain of a strong connection between smoking and lung...

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