
Entries tagged with: Wall Street Journal

4 result(s) displayed (1 - 4 of 4):

BREAKING: "San Francisco Futurist" Causes Exploding Heads

Imminent Death of Wall Street Journal Expected Apparently, I'm a "kook," "insane," an "idiot," and should be "tied to a rocket ship and shot into the Sun." At least according to the people who took the time to write to...

WSJ: It's Time to Cool the Planet

In which I admit that I have become a reluctant geoengineering advocate. To their credit, the Wall Street Journal editors I worked with gave me absolutely no push-back about including numerous strident calls for carbon emissions elimination alongside geoengineering....

Big Media

This next few days sees a big print media splash the likes of which I've never experienced. The July/August issue of The Atlantic Monthly, now on sale, has my long-awaited (at least by me) article on cognitive augmentation, "Get Smart."...

Topsight, May 26, 2009

Because this blog isn't just links to stuff I've done elsewhere. Honest! • The Participatory Panopticon In Action Police Slog Through 40,000 Insipid Party Pics To Find Cause Of Dorm Fire From The Onion, of course. As tongue-in-cheek as this...

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