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More on Brazil

Alex's post on Lula earlier today neglected to mention that Lula's administration, in late August, announced a strategic plan to begin using open source software at all levels of government. This article gives more details.

Although the financial benefits of moving away from commercial/proprietary software can be substantial (Brazil pays something on the order of $1.2B annually for proprietary code), the Brazilian government is aware of the bigger issues at stake:

The Ministers of Science and Technology, Roberto Amaral, and Culture, Gilberto Gil, also argued for the use of free software as a strategy for development and digital inclusion. [...] Gil affirmed that free software represents a democratic model of liberty and autonomy in the digital world.

Comments (3)


Comment test.

Comments seem to up and running. Coolness!

Justin F:

Free open source software is the
foundation of the internet and a big
reason for its success.
A few projects worth mentioning OpenOffice.org
- a free office suite,
Apache - the ultimate web server, and
numerous smaller projects that are
often the work of one or two motivated programmers.

As the saying goes give a brick and get a house.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 12, 2003 3:39 PM.

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