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DNA Play for Kids

Okay, I want this.

The Discovery Channel Store is now carrying the "Discovery DNA Explorer Kit," a mini-lab with everything needed for you (or your budding jr. biotechnologist) to sequence DNA:


  • Centrifuge
  • Magnetic mixer
  • Electrophoresis chamber
  • Test vials
  • Ink samples
  • DNA stain (fabricated to mimic real DNA)
  • Mail order card for first two experiments
  • And lots more
  • Wired has a nice write-up of how the system works.

    When I was a kid, Radio Shack made little home electronics explorer kits intended to get young people (young boys, of course, it being the mid-70s) excited about electronics; many of my friends who became computer hardware and software developers headed on their chosen paths because of those toys. This DNA sequencer for kids has the potential to push the current generation of kids onto the road of bioengineer. And maybe get a few no-longer-kids to consider changing careers...

    Comments (4)

    Stefan Jones:

    A Viridian Design contest come to life!

    Now I can start work on those spider-coyote chimeras that will guard the cliffs of my dark fortress against rock-climbing James Bond types.

    Hmm. If you like that, you'll really like this month's Scientific American... they found the stuff that affects genes.

    The universe, unravelling one step at a time...

    (And if you get one of those DNA sequencers and I don't, can I come to your house and play?)

    Jamais Cascio:

    Now I just need to figure out how to combine this with my Lego Mindstorms robotics kit...

    You have a Mindstorms too?! Man... I haven't played with mine in a while. :(


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