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Weblog Strategies for Non-Profits

Jon Stahl's journal pointed me towards a terrific piece from October of this year at Radio Free Blogistan called Weblog Strategies for Nonprofits, written by Christian Crumlish. In the essay, Crumlish goes over some of the ways in which a small non-profit organization can make use of the growing power of weblog tools, such as Moveable Type (used by WorldChanging). His advice is well-worth considering if you're running a non-profit and want to figure out how to communicate your message better.

For people already running blogs, some of his observations will seem unsurprising. But for organizations still getting accustomed to having a relatively static website, the dynamism, voice, and flexibility of the blog format can be revolutionary. One of the founding ideas for WorldChanging is that the intersection of social software and non-profit activism may be enormously fruitful. Crumlish's essay provides a straightforward blueprint for how this can happen.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Weblog Strategies for Non-Profits:

» Weblog strategies for nonprofits from Strangechord
Via WorldChanging (one of my favorite new blogs) comes a terrific article: Weblog strategies for nonprofits. After spending years surfing, discovering and reading, I've come across blogs that are personally run (such as this one),... [Read More]

» http://x-pollen.com/many/2004/01/05/.html from The Power of Many
WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: Weblog Strategies for Non-Profits... [Read More]


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 12, 2003 10:52 AM.

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