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Warning: Hot Times Ahead

Swiss climate scientist Martin Beniston, using the cutting-edge regional climate model HIRHAM, argues that the record-breaking European heat wave of 2003 is an early warning of how European weather will be changing over the century, according to PhysicsWeb. With current trends, summer temperatures in Europe will increase by over 4°C on average, with Switzerland ending up with summertime weather closer to that found in the South of France at present. Continent-wide, climate zones will shift:

Beniston observed a general increase of about 4°C in a band stretching across central Europe to the Black Sea, with greater increases over the Iberian Peninsula and the south west of France. Moreover, he found that the number of hot days would increase - particularly in the Mediterranean region and in Eastern Europe - with an additional 40 to 60 days or more above 30°C [...]. In comparison, the period 1961 to 1990 saw an average of around 10 days.

That climate change is triggering hotter, more deadly summers is not news, but the increasingly sophisticated climate models, and the increasingly graphic predictions of how climate change will affect us all, are worth paying attention to.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Warning: Hot Times Ahead:

» How Hot? *That* Hot from Insufficient Time
Worldchanging points to an article analysing the potential effects of climate change on Europe. Current trends predict an average increase in summer temperatures in Europe by over 4°C, and for the Mediterranean region and Eastern Europe... ...an additi... [Read More]

Comments (1)


here's another one by the woods hole cceanographic institute.



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