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Annotated UK ID Proposal

Mark Simpkins of Nodal Research wrote to tell me of his group's latest project: taking the consultation document (PDF) proposed by the UK's Secretary of State concerning identity card legislation, and converting it into web-readable form. Not just HTML, though: the team translated it into a Moveable Type blog document, allowing comments and annotation of each section of the proposal. As security expert Bruce Schneier can tell you in detail, ID card laws are terribly ineffective forms of security, causing more problems than they solve. By taking the UK proposal and making it interactive, perhaps the Nodal Research group can draw some attention to the danger inherent in the consultation document.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Annotated UK ID Proposal:

» World Chainging from consultationprocess
Jamis Cascio has blogged us on the (excellent) Worldchanging.com's Quickchanges column.... [Read More]

Comments (2)

Hi, Its mark simpkins, Ewan Spence helped me with some CSS work.

Thanks for the link, please email me with your thoughts on the model even if the UK ID card will not affect you. I will put in place a site news section that will allow you all to comment on the site ideas as well as the document as well.


e: mark@nodalpoints.org
gsm: +44(0)7855 365 481

Sorry about the name confusion, Mark. Entirely my fault. Fixed now.


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