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Electric Cars in the UK

The BBC notes the arrival of what it claims is the "world's best-selling electric car" in the UK: the Daimler-Chrysler Gem. At £7,000 for a two-seater with a 40 mile range, 30mph top speed, and a 7 hour recharging time, it's no surprise that the importer, ZEV Ltd, expects to sell all of 350 of them in the next year and a half. Nonetheless, given that it will be exempt from some of the hassles facing UK drivers -- road tax, London congestion charge, and many parking fees -- some people will certainly find it worth the limitations. It will be interesting to see how well it actually does. And UK WC'ers: let us know what you think of them!

Comments (1)


Whoops I think I wet my self.

Though seriously they should have visited GoingGreens website.

P.S. GEM actually stands for
Golfcarted Electric Mower


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