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e/merge 2004

Running June 28-July 10, e/merge 2004 is a "virtual conference" showcasing developments in "blended learning," which combines face-to-face schooling with distance learning and online education. What makes this particularly notable is that it's organized in South Africa, and has a decided focus on the needs of the developing world, particularly Africa. South African collaborative learning blog Critical Methods describes its content in this way:

There is something for everyone with an interest in educational technologies. The conference is scheduled in four phases starting with the Big Picture (digital divide, theoretically oriented and institutional papers) and Case Studies from Across the Region during the first week. During the second week we have the Learning Communities (Educator and Student communities) and Learning Environments phases. You can focus on specific phases of discussion or choose just the presentations that most interest you.

International registrants are asked to pay R320 (about $50), although accomodations can be made for students with more limited resources.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 28, 2004 5:06 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Help Keep Government Weather Data Free.

The next post in this blog is Annotated UK ID Proposal.

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