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The Singular Quote

Bruce's talk last night rocked, as usual, and even if you don't agree with all of his conclusions, you have to admire the way he makes his case. The talk -- which lasted for well over an hour -- was filled with pithy comments and trenchant observations. For me, though, his best line of the night was his closer, as it's an idea which is embedded in everything we do here at WorldChanging:

"The future is a process, not a destination. The future is not a noun, it's a verb."


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Comments (7)


Envy envy envy. Sounds like it was a great talk.


Any possibility of a transcript?

Long Now will post an MP3 of the talk on this page when it becomes available. We'll make a note of it when it happens.

I was at Sterling's talk the other nite in San Francisco. I found myself laughing, agreeing, disagreeing, and thinking. Excellent. Also, I like your one sentence Sterling take away: "The future is a process, not a destination. The future is not a noun, it's a verb." That's an extremely practical, and historically well documented, way to look at our world. Thanks for pointing me to this speech. -- Jim G.

I liked the talk a lot as well. My favorite quip: "we may be on the edge of nothing particularly significant." Also a practical mindset. We should be wary of the hubris that we are anything particularly special ( a common failing of man since the dawn of humankind ).

Sorry I did not recognize anyone from worldchanging, otherwise I would have stopped for a chat.

Stefan Jones:

The transcripts of bruces speech appear to be up on the page Jamais linked to.

Something to look forward to tonight!


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