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A final reminder: WorldChanging Happy Hour (#1) is tonight from 5pm to 8pm! Synchronize your watches!

Comments (3)

how will we recognize you?

Jamais Cascio:

What, our pictures in our bios aren't sufficiently illustrative?

Alex and I are both tall, with close-cropped blonde hair, funky glasses, and hipster chin fuzz. It's entirely accidental that we have vaguely similar appearances, let me assure you.

well, I had never looked at your bios, and my gosh! you do look alike. I'll just scan the room for the tall hipster twins. :)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 4, 2004 4:39 PM.

The previous post in this blog was G8 vs. G20+ on Renewables.

The next post in this blog is WorldChanging News.

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