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Prius Sportscar?

Green Car Congress tells us of Toyota's plans to unveil a Prius sport version at next month's Paris Motor Show. With a combined gas-electric yield of 145 horsepower, it will do 0 to 60 in 8.7 seconds, while still getting Prius-like mileage when driven normally. Whether this more zippy version of the Prius will ever make it to showroom floors is another story, but I know there are already folks out there drooling over the possibility...


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Prius Sportscar?:

» Toyota to Unveil Faster, More Powerful Prius Hybrid from ::: bisonium.com :::
Toyota is prepping a new "Sport" version of its gasoline/electric hybrid Prius that ups the available power of the combustion engine from 77 hp to a whopping 99 hp by increasing the displacement of the engine to 1.5 liters, and bolsters the electrical ... [Read More]


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