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Energy for Sustainable Development Conference

"Energy for Sustainable Development: Technology Advances & Environmental Issues" is a conference organized by the Arab Academy for Science & Technology and Maritime Transport and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory happening December 6-9, in Cairo. The event is intended to be a "forum for interactions among regional and world energy experts [...] for the near term deployment of sustainable energy technologies and concepts" with a focus on the developing world.

Workshops will include the use of renewable energy for water resource management, photovoltaic systems design, and clean fuel technologies.

If you're interested in submitting a paper for consideration, the deadline for the Abstract is the 30th of this month (I know, I know, but we just found out about this). Registration is $400 before October 31, $500 afterwards. Student registration is $100.

(This is the kind of conference we think it would be very interesting to hear about -- if any readers plan to attend, please let us know.)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 27, 2004 6:16 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Safe Nano, Green Nano.

The next post in this blog is What is Hubbert's Peak?.

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