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Renewable Energy Business Notes

Two pieces of news today about the business and economic side of renewable energy.

The Earth Policy Institute breaks down the details of 2003 sales of photovoltaic cells. Production of solar cells hit 742 megawatts worth in 2003, 32% more than in 2002. Nearly half of solar cell production takes place in Japan, and European production has also grown dramatically. The US, unfortunately, saw its PV cell production drop by 14%.

The Financial Times reports that a new joint study by Greenpeace and the UK's Department of Trade and Industry shows that growth of the offshore wind industry would bring up to 76,000 new jobs in the UK, half in the economically-depressed north-east part of the country. The full report is available here (PDF).

(Thanks, Tim!)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 20, 2004 2:37 PM.

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The next post in this blog is The New Baseline Scenario.

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