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Accelerating Change 2004

Accelerating Change 2004 conference is this weekend, in Palo Alto (on the Stanford University campus). The list of speakers is impressive and, while the overall thrust of the conference is towards keen new tech, there looks to be a decent assortment of speakers who will be grappling with the social implications. I'll be there, covering the conference for WorldChanging; if you see me, be sure to say hi.

It's not free, but if you're into what the next decade of technological development might hold, it should be a fun weekend.

Comments (1)

John Norris:

Was that "cultural importance" or "cultural impotence"? :)

- John (a disappointed European citizen wrt to the Empire's latest election)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 2, 2004 1:25 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Unanticipated Results #3348: Cephalopod Dominance.

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