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Towering Over The Desert

Remember the solar tower I posted about a couple of weeks ago? It's a kilometer-tall chimney generating a couple hundred megawatts of power through temperature differentials at the top and bottom of the tower soon to be built in Australia. Questions remain about the plan's practicality, but it just might be crazy enough to work, as the saying goes. Well, those in the northern hemisphere jealous that Australia will be getting a giant power-generating phallic symbol should fret no more, if the report that the Alternative Energy Blog found is accurate: SolarMission, the California licensee of the solar tower technology, may be set to announce plans to build 2,600 megawatts worth of solar towers, presumably here in North America. That would be 13 towers, at 200 megawatts apiece, dotting the landscape of the desert southwest. Should be interesting if it actually happens, but I wouldn't advise holding one's breath.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Towering Over The Desert:

» [Alternative energy] Solar Chimneys and Tornado Power from Environmental News Bits
TITLE: [Alternative energy] Solar Chimneys and Tornado Power URL: http://radio.weblogs.com/0141565/2005/10/11.html#a2276 IP: BLOG NAME: Environmental News Bits DATE: 10/31/2005 09:28:50 AM [Read More]


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