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This Week in Green Design

We have a new addition to our Sustainability Sundays lineup: Justin Thomas of Metaefficient. Meatefficient "searches out products that we believe are more effective and healthier for individuals and the world, yet are comparable in price to mainstream products." We're glad to feature the best of what Justin's found lately, here on Worldchanging:

EcoResin Furniture
EcoResin Furniture

3Form has just introduced a new line of furniture made with Varia Ecoresin. Varia is manufactured under strict OHSA approved standards and is free of VOC's, solvents and emissions. 3form ecoresin and Varia are built to exceed LEED accreditation insuring at least 40% post industrial recycled content, and are free from plasticizers and stabilizers.

Self-Contained Watering System

The Oasis Automatic Plant Watering System by Claber is a programmable system that distributes up to 6 gallons of water to as many as 20 plants. It is a completely independent system, needing no connection to a tap or electrical main. It runs on one 9V battery.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 12, 2004 8:32 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Middle of the Road Isn't The Safest Place To Be.

The next post in this blog is Welcome, Hassan!.

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