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Homebrew 3D Printer

Want to make your own fab lab but don't quite have MIT's resources? How about using Meccano (known in the US as "Erector Set". Stop giggling.) and a glue gun? reBang weblog shows us that New Zealand's Vik Olliver has done so; a picture is worth a thousand words:


He's reportedly able to get 0.25mm precision with the setup. He won't be making printed circuit boards with it any time soon, but it will be fascinating to find out what he can make with it...

(Via All Art Burns)


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Homebrew 3D Printer:

» Good reading from On Safari with El Jorgito
TITLE: Good reading URL: http://georgeconard.com/blog/archive/2005/04/30/584.aspx IP: BLOG NAME: On Safari with El Jorgito DATE: 04/30/2005 07:36:12 AM [Read More]

» 3D Printer made from a Glue Gun and Meccanno from MAKE: Blog
No plans or how-to yet, but check out this homemade 3D printer "I’v... [Read More]


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