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Eastern Winds

Wind power projects are becoming so commonplace it's hard to keep up with them all, but reports of two new ones stood out this week as further examples of energy leapfrogging in action.

The World Wildlife Fund details the opening of Southeast Asia's first wind farm, in the Philippines. Rated at 25 megawatts, it's not massive, but is a good first step. Over 70 megawatts of additional wind power should be coming online in the next few years, and the WWF estimates that the total wind potential in the Philippines amounts to 7.4 gigawatts. (via Sustainablog)

And Alternative Energy Blog offers a brief report of a new one gigawatt wind farm underway in China. The details are light (and the original source, People's Daily Online is no help), but if it is built, this would be the biggest wind farm yet in China.

Tentative steps, to be sure, but positive ones.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 19, 2005 2:38 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Finding A Green Home, Part 2.

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