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More Eco-Protests in China

The uprising over factory pollution in the village of Huaxi I posted about in mid-June was not an isolated incident. The month has also seen pollution-related uprisings in the village of Jianxia (over toxic waste from a battery factory) and in the Cangnan County region (over a power plant). An uprising in April in the village of Huankantou was also pollution-linked, although the proximate trigger was the death of two elderly protesters.

If the smog-filled skies, poisoned lakes and spiraling fuel costs don't convince the Chinese government that they need to change direction fast, perhaps these villagers -- and millions more like them -- can.

Comments (1)

Emily Gertz:

The Chinese government has demonstrated a consistent ability to endure criticism from the Chinese people without much response. It's striking, though, that these protests are happening despite that, and happening in rural areas...


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