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Hurricane Makes A Reef

In 2002, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary saw the deliberate sinking of a retired US Navy ship in order to create an artificial reef. Artificial reefs are proven methods of helping to restore damaged undersea ecosystems; this one didn't serve that purpose, however, as the scuttling failed to go as planned, and the ship ended up resting upside-down and at an angle that proved dangerous to navigation. Subsequent efforts reduced the danger, but the ship was still not in the intended position -- until now.

Hurricane Dennis, pathing near the Keys, managed to generate sufficient undersea currents to flip the sunken vessel, putting it in the right-side-up position that was the goal in 2002. While the previous position was working fine as a reef, the new orientation will make it more attractive to divers -- who, in turn, help to support the artificial reef program.


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Hurricane Dennis not only upended my vacation plans , it upended a sunken Navy ship. But that's a good thing. A roundup of applications using Google Maps, from free WiFi locations to Iraq War casualties to cheap gas. Found film:... [Read More]

Comments (3)

Every cloud...

Dennis delivered enough energy to flip 6,880 tons of sunken ship. I am impressed.

Specs of the Spiegel Grove here - http://www.indiana.edu/~scuba/spiegel/spiegel.html


That Dennis... What a kidder.
I guess five other giant storms told him to do it.


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