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Hybrid Survey

Anne Brooks, of the Geography Department's Environmental Policy, Planning and Regulation group at the London School of Economics, has put together a brief survey on hybrid vehicles. Hybrid owners and non-owners alike are invited to participate. The information will be used in her ongoing dissertation research on the economics of hybrid electric vehicles.

As a self-selected survey, it's technically a scientific poll, but it should give her some insights into why people buy (or don't buy) hybrid cars. No personal information (other than opinions) is requested.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Hybrid Survey:

» Hybrid Vehicle Survey from London School of Economics from Treehugger
Here is a very short survey (9 questions, it literally takes 2 minutes) about hybrid vehicles by Anne Brooks of the London School of Economics. "Note that this survey is for academic purposes only and your survey responses are confidential.... [Read More]


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