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The WorldChanging Survey

WorldChanging would like to learn more about you: where you're from, what you'd like to see on WorldChanging, and what you'd like us to do better. We've put together a brief online survey, and would love to get your responses.

No personal or personally-identifiable information will be gathered.

The survey will run through the end of August.

Comments (8)

I think there is a typo in Question 16 (or something in that area).

"public tranit" ==> "public transit"


Jamais Cascio:

Fixed. Thanks.


FYI, I answered 'no' to your questions on giving to WC sponsored charities. 'Maybe' would be more accurate but wasn't an option. I would have said 'yes' if the question was phrased differently, eg 'would you consider giving ...'

Yeah, the charities thing should have been a little more complex than "yes/no". I would rather have seen something like "on a scale of 1-10, how likely would you be to...", plus a free-form box asking "which factors would be most important in your decision whether to give to such-and-such".

Stefan Jones:

I third the notion that there should have been more Maybe options.

Rob North:

The survey doesn't work in Mozilla.
Had to use IE to enter the info.
Please fix.

Rob, I did most of my testing on the survey using Mozilla Firefox. Can you tell me (in email) what kinds of errors you're getting?

Rob North:

Jamais, I would reply to you by e-mail, but the link on your user name doesn't refer to an e-mail address. (Loops back to Worldchanging)

Apologies for not detailing what went wrong. The problems were as follows:
The check buttons wouldn't work, I couldn't select any check buttons.

My Mozilla version could be a little odd, so it may/may not be worth worrying about.

If you want to continue this discussion on e-mail, could you e-mail your reply to my address, and we'll take it from there.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 19, 2005 6:24 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Genetic Efficiency and the Carbon Cycle.

The next post in this blog is Quake III, Now With GPL Goodness.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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