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Congratulations, Cameron!!!

cameronwon.jpgThis is absolutely wonderful news: Architecture for Humanity, founded by Kate Stohr and WorldChanging's Cameron Sinclair, has just won the world's largest prize for design -- the INDEX Design Award -- for the Siyathemba project, the football club and health outreach center in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. From the AfH press release (PDF):

The project was born out of a partnership between the Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies and Architecture for Humanity. Called Siyathemba (the IsiZulu word for hope), the facility aims to use sports as a vehicle to stem the spread of AIDS in the rural South African community where youth are three times more likely to become HIV positive than youth in other parts of the world. The pitch will also be home to the area’s first organized girls soccer league. [...]

Set to take place every four years, the INDEX Awards were established in 2005 to acknowledge innovative designs as important factors in developing solutions that improve life for large numbers of people as well as securing a liveable future for all. The awards recognized achievements in five categories (body, home, work, play, and community); the winner of each category receives €100,000 euros. Siyathemba was awarded the prize for the "community" category.

There were hundreds of nominees for this prize. We are enormously pleased and proud that Cameron and Architecture for Humanity was one of the winners. Congratulations, Cameron.

Comments (8)

Awesome! Congratulations!

And the nominees for best photoshop added person in a social justice context are....

sorry - no prizes for world changing there...

but well done to architecture for humanity on their work... :-)

Jamais Cascio:


I originally put up the straight "all the winners" shot from INDEX, but realized that many readers might not be able to pick Cameron out from the lineup. A bit of Photoshop, yes, simply to highlight Mr. Sinclair.

Jamais Cascio:

Replaced that one with a different bit of Photoshop foolishness.

Congratulations to Kate, Cameron et al.!

Congratulations on winning the prize. Way to go!


Congratulations, and keep up the great work!

Way to go Cameron & Kate. Keep up the good work.


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