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The French Way

France, never very shy about using government policies to set broader economic and social goals, has announced that it will be taxing high-CO2 vehicles, with the tax money going to fund research into hybrid car technologies. Green Car Congress has details.

The tax, effective 1 Jan 2006, will be set at €2 (US$2.45) per gram for cars producing between 200 and 250 g/km CO2, and €4 (US$4.91) per gram for those producing more than 250 g/km. The proceeds, expected to be about €18 million (US$22 million), will flow into the French Environment and Energy Saving Agency.

The research goal is technically a "family car" that produces less than 100 g/km of carbon dioxide, but the Ecology Minister has already said that hybrid-electric technology is the likeliest candidate.

Comments (2)

I love this idea -- a carbon tax. In fact, I'd make all fuel taxes be proportionate to emissions. But then I'm biased, driving a zero-CO2 vehicle... :-)

i better get one of those MDI air compression-fueled cars soon... also, i wonder: if there are more and more electric cars in france, will there be a problem with the HAZARDOUS BATTERIES and their disposal?


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