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EU Renewable Target

The European Parliament has passed legislation mandating an EU-wide renewable energy target: at least 20% of energy production must come from renewable sources by 2020, with 25% as a non-mandatory goal when coupled with efficiency improvements. For electricity producers, this could mean getting 33% of their power from renewables.

According to Renewable Energy Access:

...the European Parliament voted for the following:

  • Renewable energies combined with energy conservation measures to reduce Europe's dependence on energy imports and diminish the political and economic risks resulting from these imports
  • Tax cuts to encourage renewables
  • Fair market conditions for electricity produced from renewable energies
  • End to distortions in the energy market
  • Clear increase of R&D budget for renewables in the upcoming FP7 program
  • The development of an export strategy for less-developed countries and emerging economies and as part of poverty reduction strategies
  • Renewables to be a key element of structural policy
  • Greater use of biomass
  • Further initiatives to promote the use of renewable heating and cooling technologies in particular in the building sector.

  • Comments (4)


    > proud European here.


    Ya but what happens if you make 25% of all you have renewable and then the climate changes and all those thingies are now in the wrong spot?


    Mm, I'm not an expert, but isn't it so that when it comes to agriculture, certain parts of Europe are going to be better off, the more the climate changes? I think I read this somewhere. But the predictions and projections could be wrong of course.


    My understanding was that all of europe was likely to turn into an icebox as the clmate changes. The gulf stream keeping europe mild is already weakening or so I read so if its gona happen its gona be soon.


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