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Egypt Crosses Over

Mobile phones are an engine of leapfrog development, and it looks like another developing nation is moving quickly towards cellular dominance. The number of mobile phone subscribers in Egypt now exceeds the number of land-line users, according to the Egypt Mobile Communications 2005 Report. At the end of September of this year, Egypt had 12 million mobile phone users and 10.3 million land line users. Analysts believe the difference will be more than 3 million by the end of the year; this will represent about 18 percent of the Egyptian population. The Report projects mobile phone growth to reach 21.1 million users by the end of 2008.


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» Egyptian Culture of Change from Smart Mobs
"Mobile phones have created a complete culture change in communication." This is the observation of Pravin Prashant, assistant editor of India’s leading telecommunications magazine Voice and Data. The comment is from the article here describing the p... [Read More]


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