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Engineers Without Borders, Around the World

Back in December of 2003, Alex posted a brief piece on Ingenieurs san Frontieres/Engineers without Borders, a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to providing technical and technological support for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. We were recently contacted by folks from Engineers without Borders USA, a parallel organization with similar goals -- but without any apparent link. It turns out that Engineers without Borders is (ironically enough) not an international organization, but a name common to a variety of national groups operating in a variety of countries.

Regardless, this is a group well worth talking about again. The description at the EWB-USA site captures the mission common across all of the ISF/EWB groups: Engineers Without Borders - USA partners with developing communities to improve their quality of life through implementation of environmentally, equitable, and economically sustainable engineering projects, while developing internationally responsible engineers and engineering students.

Check the extended entry for a list of EWB organizations around the world, from the EWB Canada website.

  • Engineers Without Borders - UK
  • Engineers Without Frontiers - USA
  • Engineers Without Borders - USA
  • Engineers Without Borders - Australia
  • Ingeniería Sin Fronteras (Spain)
  • Ingénieurs Sans Frontières - France
  • Ingenjörer och Naturvetare utan Gränser-Sverige (EWB-Sweden)
  • Ingegneria Senza Frontiere, Italia (Italy)
  • Ingeniører uden Grænser (Denmark)
  • Ingénieurs Sans Frontières - Ingénieurs Assistance Internationale (ISF-Belgium)

    (Thank you, Colleen Jenkins from the Portland, Oregon EWB chapter)

  • Comments (2)

    The link of "Ingegneria Senza Frontiere, Italia (Italy)" is wrong : http://http//isf.polito.it
    It contains http twice.

    By the way in Italy, there are at least 18 local chairs of Ingegneria Senza Frontiere, all of them federated but working in a decentralized network.

    A list of some of the ISF in Italy is at
    Unfortunately we still don't have a description of our activities in English so you are welcome to read it in Italian!! ;-)

    Paolo (of Ingegneria Senza Frontiere - Trento)


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