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Black Looks blogger Sokari Ekine has another website worth following, one that's a terrific example of why RSS aggregators are so useful. Afrotecnik describes itself as having a "focus on technologies for transforming communities in Africa and bridging the digital divide," and is good source for leapfrog technology updates. Recent posts have talked about the Simputer, microfinance, and open source in Africa.

Unfortunately, Ekine only manages to update it on a sporadic basis, a bad thing back in the day that one had to remember to hit a site in order to catch something new. These days, of course, we have syndication feeds, and aggregator programs that take of the "hitting the site on a regular basis" for you. RSS is a big reason why I can follow such a wide array of websites -- I think I have something approaching 500 active feeds in my list, and I'm always adding more. RSS is truly the Future Scanner's Friend.

Afrotecnik's feed can be found here.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 21, 2005 1:52 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Prius in China - Now Underway.

The next post in this blog is Send Your Name To The Asteroids.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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