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Fabber Art


The advent of 3D printers (or "fabbers") won't just transform the economy, it may well revolutionize the world of art, as well. MAKE points us to the work of Bathsheba Grossman, who uses made-to-order 3D printing services for her metal sculptures. Her designs come from mathematical formulas converted to computer code.

(If the name sounds vaguely familiar, it may be because we've pointed to some of her other art work in the past.)

Comments (2)

George Hart (http://www.georgehart.com) is another sculptor who is using 3D printing. His sculptures are also geometric constructions. I saw his work in November, 2005 at a Synergetics conference (http://synergeticists.org).

I corresponded briefly with Bathsheba Grossman a few years ago. Very nice and very helpful individual. Buy her work!


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