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Green Power Use Doubles in a Year

The US Environmental Protection Agency released its Green Power Top 25 list yesterday, a compilation of the greatest renewable energy use by a set of 600 "partner" organizations across the US who agree to preferentially buy green power. All told, the green power partner firms consumed over four million megawatt-hours of renewable energy in 2005, a nearly 100% increase over the 2004 total.

The 2006 Top 25 green power purchasers are buying enough energy to power more than 300,000 homes a year, which is also comparable to removing the emissions of nearly 400,000 cars from the road annually.

Topping the list is the US Air Force, which used over a million megawatt-hours of renewable power, 11% of its total consumption (a combination of biomass, geothermal, micro-hydro, solar and wind). More notable is the new #2 entry, Whole Foods Market, which recently shifted to a 100% renewable energy footing -- and managed to use over 450 thousand megawatt-hours of green energy.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Green Power Use Doubles in a Year:

» ENERGY MARKETS AND POLICIES: 2006-02-06 from Winds of Change.NET
As we noted in last Thursday's technology and innovation-focused New Energy Currents post, US energy policy has been a slightly hotter topic than usual after President Bush claimed that the US is 'addicted' to oil... [Read More]


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