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Serious Games Summit

A recurring theme on WorldChanging Weekend is the power of games -- video, board or otherwise -- to educate and enlighten. The standard term for these kinds of endeavor is "serious games;" the annual Game Developer's Conference has a Serious Games Summit allowing designers and analysts to get together to talk tech, theme and purpose. This year's GDC and Serious Games Summit will be in San Jose, California, on March 20-24 (20-21 for the Summit), and registration is now open.

I'm going to try to go -- and if you go, be sure to say hi.

Comments (1)

I think games that provide information about the world that players may not otherwise encounter and that spur the development of critical reasoning are a great idea.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 21, 2006 3:02 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Friday Catch-Up (01/20/06).

The next post in this blog is Virtual Complementary Currencies.

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