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Open Source and Air Resources

The Mad Penguin has an excellent interview with the information technology team at California's Air Resources Board (ARB), which has the primary responsibility in California for handling air pollution. The focus of the interview is the widespread adoption of free/open source software (FOSS) in the ARB computer network, but it seems to me the important lesson coming from this conversation is the close relationship between the FOSS philosophies and organizational transparency.

Although there's lots of talk about Linux distributions and the uses of PHP, read between the lines: this is an organization that has clearly learned the value of collaboration, transparent discourse, and open access to historical records.

(Thanks for the tip, Eric Boyd!)


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Open Source and Air Resources:

» Un ejemplo del valor del código abierto y el acceso abierto en organismos públicos from Juan Freire
En Worldchanging: comentan un magnífico ejemplo de la utilidad del uso de software de código abierto , de los estándares abiertos y del acceso abierto a contenidos en el caso de proyectos de administraciones públicas: The Mad Penguin has an [Read More]


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 28, 2006 4:35 PM.

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