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A Force More Powerful: Now Available

afmp.jpgWe've been talking about the video game A Force More Powerful for quite a while. Originally scheduled for release in Fall of 2005, it suffered the fate that befalls many games: nagging delays. But the long wait is over; A Force More Powerful is now available.

But what is A Force More Powerful?

A Force More Powerful is the only PC game about nonviolent struggle available today. AFMP puts the player directly into the role of planner for a nonviolent movement seeking social change-a role that is challenging, demanding, and sometimes even dangerous. [...]
Game play is governed by detailed interactive models-of strategic and political factors, ethnicity, religion, literacy, material well-being, media and communications, resource availability, economic factors, the role of external assistance, and many other variables. Tactics include such basics as training, fund-raising and organizing, as well as leafletting, protests, strikes, mass action, civil disobedience and noncooperation. Many game-play decisions involve selecting which characters and groups should take part in the strategy, and weighing the benefits of such actions relative to their costs.

What makes this all very exciting is that the organization behind the game, the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), clearly knows the subject matter. ICNC provides abundant educational material on nonviolence, and has also created films and numerous books on the history and practice of nonviolent methods of conflict resolution.

Although the game was originally described as being a free download, it's only available for sale at around US$20 -- still, quite a bargain. More unfortunate -- particularly for schools -- the game is only available on Windows, and a port to Linux or Macintosh wouldn't be quick (it uses DirectX instead of OpenGL, for you gamers out there). Even if the game isn't free, you can still download the manuals and resources.. One important note: the "Resistopedia" document (a clear tip of the hat to the "Civilopedia" in the Civilization game series) is in the CHM Windows helpfile format. CHM readers for Mac and Linux are available, however.

(Via Water Cooler Games)


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