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Wind Power Rankings

We pointed to last year's list of wind power use in the US, by state, so reader Joseph Willemssen sent us the link to this year's update from the American Wind Energy Association. California still tops the list, with 2,150MW of installed wind power production (up from last year's 2,114MW), but Texas is just zooming up the charts, coming in at 1,995MW, compared to last year's 1,288MW. Texas is likely to take the top spot in next year's ranking, due to a combination of interest and abundant wind resources.

Cumulative wind power production in the US now stands at 9,149MW, compared to last year's 6,831MW. Last year's increase in wind power was the most ever -- but the AWEA expects the 2006 number to be even bigger, potentially coming in at over 3 gigawatts of added wind power.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Wind Power Rankings:

» More Wind Power Expected in America in 2006 from After Gutenberg
An update on progress in the development of wind power in the U.S., WorldChanging1 reports: Cumulative wind power production in the US now stands at 9,149 MW, compared to last year’s 6,831 MW. Last year’s increase in wind power was the mos... [Read More]

» Texas putting its hot air to good use from SciGuy
The American Wind Energy Association recently released its list of the top wind-power producing states. Here's the top 10, in terms of the existing capacity of installed turbines: 1. California: 2,150 MW 2. Texas: 1,995 MW 3. Iowa: 836 MW... [Read More]


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